Traumatic Dental Injuries
SOMETIMES, EVEN WHEN we do everything the dentist tells us to do to keep our teeth healthy and strong, accidents still…
Details1674 Keller Parkway, Suite100, Keller, Texas 76248
SOMETIMES, EVEN WHEN we do everything the dentist tells us to do to keep our teeth healthy and strong, accidents still…
DetailsIN JUST THE UNITED STATES, sleep apnea affects over 18 million adults and up to 20 percent of children who…
DetailsIF YOU CAN’T REALLY enjoy ice cream because every bite sends a nasty jolt through your teeth, then you know what…
DetailsWHEN YOU THINK of the differences between men and women, oral health concerns probably aren’t…
DetailsA DENTAL ABSCESS is a buildup of pus that forms within the teeth or gums, usually as the result of a bacterial infection…
DetailsTOOTHACHES CAN HAPPEN for a number of reasons. It’s important to know what to do about them, because they…
DetailsFROM CLOTHING TO HAIRSTYLE to cosmetics to accessories, our personal style is how we portray who we are, and this often includes…
DetailsEVEN THOUGH WE know, logically, that going to the dentist is a safe, normal, and important part of life, many of us don’t…
DetailsONE OF THE MOST common complications of diabetes is gum disease, and that isn’t the only way diabetes is hard on teeth and gums. Diabetes and…
DetailsWE’VE ALL HEARD over and over how smoking can adversely impact health, with the most infamous example being lung cancer. But smoking doesn’t only…