What Happens After a Root Canal?
ANY DISCOMFORT in a treated tooth should be far milder than the pre-root canal tooth…
Details1674 Keller Parkway, Suite100, Keller, Texas 76248
ANY DISCOMFORT in a treated tooth should be far milder than the pre-root canal tooth…
DetailsEVERYONE HAS HEARD of root canal therapy, even if there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding…
DetailsUNLESS THE DENTIST is on TikTok, it’s not a great platform to get dental health advice…
DetailsYOU’VE PROBABLY HEARD the expression “long in the tooth.” It conjures up the image of gum recession…
DetailsHOW DO YOU choose the right toothpaste out of the wall of colorful boxes on the store shelf? Is it better to get…
DetailsFOR PATIENTS WHO’VE never had root canal therapy before, the procedure can seem…
DetailsA TOOTH INFECTION is when bacteria invade the pulp at the core of a tooth, whether…
DetailsRUDIMENTARY DENTAL EXTRACTIONS were performed in China as early as 6,000 BC, and there is…
DetailsPOTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS are a concern with pretty much every medication that exists. We can…
DetailsWHILE SOME GENERAL dentists can and do provide root canal therapy, many people prefer to visit endodontists because…