Dental Health in Ancient Cultures
WE TEND TO ASSUME that people from earlier eras (especially the pre-industrial ones) must have had terrible dental health, but that’s…
Details1674 Keller Parkway, Suite100, Keller, Texas 76248
WE TEND TO ASSUME that people from earlier eras (especially the pre-industrial ones) must have had terrible dental health, but that’s…
DetailsTEETH HAVE MANY different uses, from chewing our food to helping us speak clearly to forming the structure…
DetailsWE OFTEN HEAR about the American Dental Association, but there’s another organization just…
DetailsENDODONTIC TREATMENT, also called root canal therapy, is a dental procedure in which decayed dental pulp is removed so that…
DetailsTHERE WON’T BE a pop-quiz later, but we still want our patients to be familiar with the anatomy of their teeth…
DetailsNOT MUCH WAS understood in Medieval England about cavities or gum disease, but they…
DetailsEVERY MAY, WE celebrate Save Your Tooth Month. Healthy teeth play a large role…
DetailsTHERE ARE MANY types of tooth pain depending on what’s causing the problem. The dentist will be able to identify the cause, but…
DetailsWE HEAR A LOT that it’s bad to chew ice. It’s because ice can do a lot of damage to our teeth and gums.
DetailsTHERE’S A LOT OF strange stuff buried in the history of dental health and hygiene, but there are a…